Your Hosts
Kafue Camps & Safaris Ltd. was created in 2006 to meet the safari needs of visitors wishing for an excellent wildlife safari experience whilst also maintaining ethical principles. These ethical principles include both the employment of people from the surrounding areas of The Kafue National Park as well caring for the environment and wildlife in the Park.
We are a majority Zambian owned company, so revenue is ploughed back into the country. Our staff and directors have many years’ experience in the Kafue and in the wildlife safari business.
We aim to empower our employees to reach their full potential and train them to the best International standards, whilst retaining uniquely Zambian feel to your stay. We offer a friendly, professional service with a difference, which we hope you will always remember.
Patrick Moyo Head Guide and MD
Pippa Turner Owner
Boyd Muchebo Manager and Guide
Mario Guide
Daniel Zawa Scout
Harold Spotter and Trainee Guide
Muyatwa Head Chef
James Chef
Edward Chef
Leevan Chef
Collins Barman and Waiter
Gibson Kitchen staff and Waiter
Charles Receptionist
Dasken Driver and Mechanic
Christopher Housekeeping
Stan Plumber, carpenter, mechanic, driver