Sighting around Mayukuyuku Camp
Recent sightings seen on game drives, walking safaris, boating trips or
from the camp:
- Honey Badgers
- Bush Pig
- Caracal
- Pride of lionesses and cubs
- Elephants numerous
- Leopard
- Cheetah
- Buffalo – hundreds
- Wild Cat
- Civet
- Side stripped jackal
- Crocodile
- Spotted Genet
- White tailed mongoose
- Banded Mongoose
- Rock Hyrax
- Hippo
- Pels Fishing Owl
- Ground Squirrel
- Zebra
- Greater Kudu
- Bush Buck
- Reedbuck
- Wild Dogs
- Impala
- Defassa Waterbuck
- Marabou Stork
- African Finfoot in camp
- Mellors Mongoose
- Common Duiker
- Puku
- Sharpes Grysbok
- Numerous leopard sightings from boat
- Porcupines
See the Gallery for more photographs taken around Mayukuyuku